2020-07-26 05:23:04

尼安德特人:寻找失落的基因组(英语:)是瑞典演化人类学者斯万特·帕博(Svante Pääbo)所著的一部书。本书讲述了帕博对生活在欧洲和近东的尼安德特人DNA的探索。此书以回忆录的形式写成,畅谈了其25年来的研究历程。

科普作家卡尔·齐默(英语:Carl Zimmer)在《纽约时报》撰文称其为“令人着迷的书”("a fascinating account") The book made the paper's Sunday Book Review Editors' Choice List. 《卫报》的Peter Forbes, remarking on the book's characterization of the research process, stated that:

"His book is also valuable for showing just how modern research teams work together and, sometimes, fall out. Along the way, a key collaborator became a competitor and, midstream, Pääbo abandoned one collaborating gene-sequencing company for another. The race for the Neanderthal genome is reminiscent of the human genome story of 10 years previously, as recounted in James Shreeve's ."

