2021-01-23 09:03:07

居里-韦斯定律为居里定律的修正公式,用来补足该公式的不足。当一物质的温度大于居里温度( T c {\displaystyle T_{c}} the magnetization (magnetic moment per unit volume), =0 is the magnetic field, and the material-specific Curie constant:

where B is Boltzmann's constant, the number of magnetic atoms (or molecules) per unit volume, the Landé g-factor, B the Bohr magneton, the angular momentum quantum number.

For the Curie-Weiss Law the total magnetic field is where is the Weiss molecular field constant and then

which can be rearranged to get

which is the Curie-Weiss Law

where the Curie Temperature C is

